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Pass on memories to loved ones. As you get older, you may want to tell your children and grandchildren about everything that happened in your youth, long before they were born. The holidays with your parents, the first time you skipped school, the meeting with your spouse… Little things that were a detail for you, but which have grown in importance over the years and that you want to share with those you love.

How to tell them these moments of life without them arriving like a hair on the soup, between the cheese and the dessert? It’s very simple, you just have to save them to send them. Memorable produces audio portraits that allow you to come back to important stages of your life, from your childhood to your professional career, while passing through the encounters that have marked you. You can also offer this experience to someone close to you, such as your parents or grandparents, if you want to keep track of their beautiful stories.

One of our readers tested the experience, wanting to pass on to her only daughter some memories of her life before her, but also after her birth. Joëlle was first contacted by phone to set a recording date, at home, at her convenience. She then completed a questionnaire, which is not mandatory but recommended, to guide the interview: “There are basic questions, about our identity and our date of birth, but also about the things we want to talk about and if we have important memories to share”, she explains to Planet. The document, which is very easy to complete, is then sent to the teams who will be responsible for the interview.

On the date set, Joëlle received a journalist at her home for an hour and a half. She remembers a very warm person, who immediately put her at ease: “It’s very impressive to speak into a microphone when you’re not used to it, but luckily you’re guided by the questions”. The sexagenarian is then questioned about her childhood, her youth, her family, her school career… “Depending on the answers, the journalist deepens if necessary”, explains Joëlle.

Initially, the retiree dreaded the experience a little, because she doesn’t like to talk about herself, but, “the journalist really gives you confidence and it’s finally quite easy to tell her life story”. As the questions go on, Joëlle recalls memories that are sometimes moving, sometimes more factual, but would like to point out that, if the journalist guides the interview, we are of course free not to say certain things. The interview ends with more general questions about the future, about what she wants to pass on to those close to her.

Just eleven days after recording, Joëlle received a listening link in her email. “I was apprehensive to hear myself, but in the end I found it pleasant to listen to, I had the impression that it was someone else, as if I were listening to a podcast or an interview”, explains she told Planet.

She then received by La Poste a package containing a USB key with all her story, presented in a nice box. “It’s an experience that I recommend and, even if I don’t know if I’ll listen to it again, I know that my daughter will like to hear my story, it’s for her that I did it”, concluded Joëlle with Planet . Story of life, birth or couple… Several offers are available on the Memorable site, it’s up to you to choose yours.