Meeting of the security Council Russia and China prevent the support Guaidos
Meeting of the security Council Russia and China prevent the support Guaidos

Russia and China have blocked in the UN security Council a Declaration in support of the self-proclaimed Venezuelan interim President Juan Guaidó. Moscow and Beijing blocked according to diplomats on Saturday against a proposal to Washington that the United States wanted to adopt in case of emergency session of the top UN body.

In the design of Washington, the news Agency AFP was able to consult, says the head of state, Nicolás Maduro disempowered Parliament of Venezuela, the “full support” of the UN security Council. The national Assembly is pushing for the restoration of democracy and the rule of law in the South American crisis of the state, it said in the Text. Guaidó is the President of the Opposition-dominated Parliament.

The recent election of the left-nationalists Maduro to the President was referred to in the draft as illegitimate. In addition, the violent repression of the Venezuelan security forces against demonstrators has been sentenced. Russia line to the diplomats of information all of these passages from the draft and left it only in the case of a call for dialogue. The Text was to be acceptable to Washington.

At the meeting, the us Secretary of state Mike Pompeo and his Venezuelan counterpart took part Jorge Arreaza. The United States had requested the urgent meeting.