Mediator training to entrepreneurs business models out of LEGO bricks
Mediator training to entrepreneurs business models out of LEGO bricks

The three women look skeptical when you Agnès, the boxes Wiegand shows full with LEGO bricks and figures. “I can’t imagine really,” says Felicitas nail. With the children’s toys, it is seeking to sharpen his entrepreneurial profile, to Refine your own business idea? “We have so Wiegand a lot in our subconscious,” says the seminar leader. With the method of “Lego-Serious-Play” could you bring this to the fore. “Go build.”

So the participants joining from the colorful bricks, what makes you as a Person unique. Five minutes you have, and then each explains their model. “To a certain distance,” says Wiegand. No one would directly talk about, but could let the model talk. Claudia Traub has used for your almost only figures. On a green plate, a girl and a cat are in the same boat now. The girl stands for the fifty-six year old, the cat for sensitivity. The boat show your love for the water, the Tiger in addition to their fighting spirit, explains Traub. But there is also a crocodile, Traubs icon is for the scared. She wants to show thus: “I will face my fear and the fear of others.” The of Frankfurt is self-employed as a MET Coach, MET stands for Meridian energy techniques. Traub offers its customers, by gently selected acupuncture Tapping points and solve them through talks energetic blockages.

“I was immediately thrilled,”

Agnes Wiegand was not always a self-employed trainer. After a Burnout in the year 2016, in order to saddled professionally, once again, made a training as a alternative practitioner for psychotherapy and training for the mediator. In a Seminar, you will be found the Lego method. “I was immediately impressed,” says Wiegand. So they hung a four-day training in the Lego Serious Play Academy in Frankfurt and uses the method, since in their courses.

Prior to independence had Wiegand worked for twenty years in the fragrance market research. In 2017, she founded her company “multi-sensing+” in Hofheim am Taunus with Workshop rooms in Niedernhausen. Since then, she advises, market research institutes and companies as “Sensory Branding Consultant”, how you present your products for all the senses of the customer appealing. It also offers various Workshops. Not only entrepreneurs can Wiegand with LEGO bricks to build, but also the employees of different organizations and companies. Especially to men, the use of Lego will be ridiculed at first. At the end they were convinced of the block method, she says.

Shy fast

The three participants of the current course have stored their Shyness soon. You assemble your “Unique Selling Point”, so the unique selling proposition of your company, from building blocks or figures. In the case of Felicitas nail this is a magician, because you want to bring people to the magic of the music. The former project Manager in the financial industry and plans to as a “Piano Coach” independently and of their piano students to teach, to feel the melodies and to bring the piano to the Sound. She is thrilled by the Lego method and has already signed up for another Workshop.

the Wiegands Lego teacher was Mathias Haas, owner of the Play-Serious Academy. Approximately 130 people per year, he and his fellow coaches. In 1860, the Euro costs of the two-day training. Haas, meanwhile, has made a five-day training at Lego itself. The Danish group developed in collaboration with two professors in 1996 the method. Initially, only licensed trainers were allowed to work, in the meantime, the method is released for use.