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Do you like to barbecue with friends on Saturday? Be careful what you eat there. Multiple meats have been subject to voluntary recalls since Monday August 22 to Friday August 26, 2022 by major retail brands. The reasons why they are recalled by supermarkets?

Mainly labeling anomalies… But not only. There would also be manufacturing defects in the packaging, risks of the presence of blue plastic, salmonella and Listeria, according to Rappel Conso.

However, even an error in the expiry date can represent a health risk. In this context, the products are considered not authorized for trade and are unfit for consumption.

Make sure you haven’t purchased the products affected by the recalls. To discover the references to know in order to identify the articles to bring back to the supermarket, Planet has produced the slideshow below.

The consumption of these foodstuffs to concoct dishes makes you take a potentially harmful risk for your health. If in doubt about your medical condition, seek advice from your GP.

In the meantime, to avoid trouble, the Rappel Conso site recommends that you no longer use the items covered by the recalls, destroy them or return them to the point of sale.

It will be possible, by bringing it back, to benefit from a refund. In the event of a complaint, contact the consumer service linked to the brand.