Mayor on hackers There is a certain Pride that it was someone from here
Mayor on hackers There is a certain Pride that it was someone from here

Out of the parental home and because he got angry about Statements made by politicians, spied a twenty-year-old from Hessen of up to 1000 persons of the public life on the Internet, publicly available data is collected and then published. The young man is in a “school relationship” and lives in the small Hessian town of Homburg (Ohm). The mayor Claudia Blum does not find the Whole, however, not so scandalous. The SPD politician said the editor-in network in Germany (RND): “For me, the Whole thing is not a scandal. We don’t have to be ashamed of. It is not a question of murder and manslaughter.“

It is without doubt a criminal Offence. But the incident also show what can do a Boy at the age of 20 years: “There is a certain Pride that it was someone from here. He has held the Republic of the mirror. That should call for all of us to be awake, better with our data.“