May and the Brexit vote lost somewhere between big and gigantic
May and the Brexit vote lost somewhere between big and gigantic

Mister Worthy, we all eagerly await the result of today’s Evening. It already seems certain that Theresa May will not reach a majority in favour of the negotiated Brexit Deal. Or?

It actually looks as if Theresa May would consciously and willingly to a defeat heading, which is somewhere between large and gigantic. After counting up to 100 members of their own party could vote against the agreement. That would be one of the greatest defeats in the history for a Prime Minister.

there Is still a Chance that May get your agreement?

Now, Yes, it is British policy. Nothing is impossible. But I would be very surprised if May could crack around the rudder. Because that would mean that many of the members have been lying. At the Moment, the consensus is rather that Theresa May reckons that she can still win. You want more likely to reach a not too big of a defeat. It emerged that parts of the agreement provide for particularly a lot of resentment, such as, for example, the “Backstop”. May is trying to change the agreement so that it could be adopted in a second vote. The British policy is, however, very divided – there are many different interests and opinions. I’m not sure that there can be an agreement that would satisfy all.

do you Believe that the EU would be to renegotiate ready? The German foreign Minister Maas does not believe that.

The EU has said that she does not want to renegotiate. But she says finally. There must be room to Maneuver. I think that May not be to fight rather with the opponents in their own party, the perception of the border to Northern Ireland as a Problem. I don’t think there is this point a solution that would satisfy both the EU and these members.