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As a reminder, the Rappel Conso website is a site that highlights so-called “recalled” products. That is, products that may pose more or less serious risks to health. This week, several meats are affected by these recalls. For good reason, these products present a risk of the presence of Salmonella spp for some, and the presence of Listeria monocytogene for others. But what are the recalled meats? Which batches are affected? Discover them in our slideshow, available below, which lists all the meats affected by these recalls, as well as the distributors who sell them.

Salmonella is an enterobacterium that can cause infections such as gastroenteritis, typhoid and paratyphoid fever. The latter represents a possible danger to the health of the consumer, according to the Institut Pasteur. Salmonella is the second leading cause of food-borne illnesses in Europe, as ANSES tells us.

As explained in a previous Planet article, Listeria monocytogenes bacteria are responsible for listeriosis, a serious foodborne infection that can lead to sepsis or central nervous system infection.

If you have already ingested one of the affected products, consult your doctor directly who will explain the procedure to you. If you bought these products, but you still haven’t consumed them: get rid of them as soon as possible. You can also contact the stores that sold you these products to request a refund. To do this, all you need is proof of purchase.

Find all the meat affected by these recalls in our slideshow below.