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Finding what you want to do in life is a challenge, and some people go half their lives before discovering their passion. There is nothing wrong with admitting that you don’t know what you want to do in this world, and this is a lesson that young people should learn before they make the wrong choice and regret it.

There are plenty of ways that youths can seek out guidance, but many of them are shallow, or not as helpful as they promise to be. Guidance counselors in secondary school seem to fluctuate between being entirely useless or the most useful people in the world, but students quickly learn that they aren’t around forever.

Mason Soiza is someone who has suffered from indecision in the past, and he has endeavored to help others make the right choices, and that is why he has accepted a speaking role from the Altorado Program. Today, we’re going to be talking about the program as well as the man who has been hired for the job.

Mason Soiza: Key Speaker

Mason Soiza is one of Britain’s most renowned entrepreneurs, and he is known for his success in industries like SEO and web development. Mr. Soiza has used his skill set to make excellent progress in his field, and his way with words has allowed him to bring his entrepreneurial skills to the next level.

Mr. Soiza is a born public speaker, and he has always expressed a love of the craft from a young age, relishing the attention and the ability to get his point across directly. Beyond his public speaking talents, Mr. Soiza is also well-versed in the tech industry, which gives him insight that few have, and even fewer can convey.

After having made his money off of the businesses he founded, Mason Soiza decided to start pursuing philanthropic goals, and he has established a few nonprofits and donated to many more since. His engagement with the Altorado Program is not his first experience with public speaking at conventions, as he has also been recruited to speak at the Citadel Tech Summit.

The Altorado Program

Now to move on to the initiative which is hosting the keynote presentation: the Altorado Program. While the name may sound somewhat dystopian, you’ll find that this nonprofit organization has noble goals. The Altorado Program is mainly focused on helping young people discover what they want to do in life with as little pressure as possible.

It seems like youths are under immense pressure to choose their careers from as early as ever before in recent years, and this has been proven to result in doubts further down the line. Mason Soiza has experience with this, having decided to start contributing immensely to charity after succeeding as an entrepreneur.

Through presentations as well as hands-on demonstrations, the Altorado Programs helps young people see that they have the world at their fingertips, and that they shouldn’t be too hasty. Their philosophy revolves around giving aspiring workers a taste of what they can expect when they settle into their new job.

The Importance of the Next Generation

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Mason Soiza believes that young people hold the key to our advancement in both technology and society, and most of his charitable pursuits are focused on helping the youth. Giving future workers a chance to get ahead will only benefit us in the long run, and so it makes sense on multiple levels to give to the young.

For example, the Verdant Lake nonprofit is an organization that was started by Mason Soiza, and it has over 100 applicants currently performing in a small-scale test run. Eventually, Verdant Lake promises to be a proving ground and mentorship platform for underprivileged young people who hope to work in the tech industry.

In many ways, The Altorado Program mirrors the goals of the Verdant Lake nonprofit, so it only makes sense that Mason Soiza would see the value in taking part as a speaker. We’ll be keeping a close eye on the Altorado Program as the date of Mason Soiza’s keynote presentation gets closer and closer.