Mark Zuckerberg We have never sold user data
Mark Zuckerberg We have never sold user data

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has rejected in a statement the allegations, the company has sold a range of sensitive user data to other companies. He think it’s reasonable that a company like Facebook will constantly be questioned. However, it is equally important that the reporting was not correct.

writes, The social network has tried since its founding in 2007, also in the own network built-in Apps from external providers as social as possible, Zuckerberg, in his opinion. Therefore, the access to the data of the users had this been part of the interior and users and their Facebook friends – in fact, you’ve sold but never.

Appropriate Considerations had been through a 200-page investigation report disclosed that conservative British had released the MP Damian Collins. The documents come from a court case in the United States. It shows, among other things, that Zuckerberg suggested in October 2012, of a trade-off: to Ensure that companies are likely to view user data, could you collect a fee or to run ads commit. “As in any organization, we have discussed different ideas,” writes Zuckerberg. But in the end, I decided to Facebook against the fee.

“Whitelists are a common practice”

another accusation refers to the preference of certain companies. In 2015, the social network had restricted the access of advertisers to the user’s data, and in particular the respective friends lists. According to the report, but with some companies, so-called whitelisting agreements have been agreed: companies like Netflix, Tinder and Airbnb should have after 2015, access to friends lists to keep. As in the case of Cambridge Analytica, the companies were able to tap into this apparently the information of the friends.

According to Facebook, the Whitelisting is a common practice, for example, if new functions are being tested with selected partners. In addition, external companies had been only ensures the access to the names and profile photos of the friends, but not to other private information.

Facebook reads for many Android users with

Facebook have to justify, in addition, for a controversy with the Android operating system. After an Update, it was possible for the company to collect phone calls and text messages. From the investigation report shows that the company has apparently discussed in advance, as it obscures this sensitive point in front of the Users. Facebook will always be accused of, it does not listen to Smartphones, the evidence is, however, yet.

The information from telephone conversations and text messages have been used for the personalization of the Messenger App, the company said. So, it was, among other things, better contact to make suggestions. The Users had, however, been always asked for their consent – Facebook had acted to right.