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On December 1, 2018, the talented actress Maria Pacôme died at the age of 95 from tonsil cancer. The artist, who had met with success on the boards thanks to Your wife is deceiving us, The black suits you so well or Don’t listen, Ladies, had wanted to resort to assisted suicide the last months of his life, like the had entrusted his son François to the antenna of RTL.

“She didn’t want therapy. She said to me, ‘I’m 95, I’ve lived very, very well, they’re not going to go after me (…) In her great carelessness, she thought that we would give her a hand when it was essential. She thought that her small notoriety would allow her to find a way. And then, no, here in France, we don’t have the right, “she had revealed.

“When things got too complicated”, the actress of the Sub-gifted would then have asked to go abroad in order to have recourse to euthanasia. “She asked me to take the steps for her for what is ugly called assisted suicide in Switzerland”. An intervention that would have cost nearly 10,000 euros, but being “no longer in good condition”, she could not have made her “three trips to Switzerland”.

The star would then have asked for help from those around him, but also from the doctors, as his son told with emotion. She asked me to help her die every day I saw her. She asked me, she asked all her friends. She asked the doctors, all the nurses. And I spent my time, every day, explaining to him that they don’t have the right. For six months, she asked everyone, “Give me a gun, help me”.