Antwerp –

A man of 46, the Monday night of heavy blood-stained was found in the Long Zavelstraat in the port of Antwerp Seefhoek. He was the victim of a fight, and is in danger of serious injury.

a Lot of the details of what the victim has to happen, don’t stop there. It is certain that the police, at around 23.30, you get to the Long-Zavelstraat was set up as a badly bloodied man on the ground outside. According to the police, it was possible that he was the victim of a fight.

“The circumstances and conditions are not part of the investigation,” said politiewoordvoerder Wouter Bruyns. Where the fight was taking place, it is also not clear.

The victim was in danger and transferred to the hospital. One witness was a potential defendant to indicate. “Yes, there is a potential data subject is taken into account,” says Bruyns. It’s going to be a man of 55 years.