resim 432
resim 432

Since its appearance, the Linky counter has caused a lot of ink to flow. This smart meter is indeed considered too intrusive by a significant number of network users. EDF claims that the smart meter would allow better monitoring of its electricity consumption, as well as access to personalized offers. The group promised users significant savings if they complied with the installation of this new generation meter.

Today, more than 90% of French households are equipped with it, as reported by our colleagues from Femme Actuelle. And for good reason: according to the statements of the energy manager, its installation would be mandatory. Network users who have not had the Linky meter installed and who have not provided Enedis with their consumption index over a year from January 2022 are now subject to an additional charge of 5 euros per month, i.e. nearly 61 euros per year.

Among the controversies linked to this famous meter, there was the questioning of the relatively high commissioning price of this device: until then, it amounted to 13.84 euros. However, the commissioning in question is now carried out remotely, a detail that would make the high cost of this installation unjustified.

Consequently, the regulation director of Enedis Christophe Gros announced during the presentation to the press of the network development plan that these costs will drop drastically shortly. The new tariffs should come into force from August 2023. However, it is important to note that the tax relating to the use of the network, constituting nearly 30% of a user’s bill, should gradually increase.