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More female employees than their male colleagues left the labor market during and after the pandemic. What are the reasons behind these departures? Most women, 63%, say they were promised they would have the same opportunities as men, but believe that this is not the case in reality, according to the Women’s research. branding made by Randstad Canada. Of the women surveyed, only half (51%) say they are motivated to pursue a senior position with their current employer. While the virtues of caring and empathetic bosses are touted, the study reveals that the retention factor most appreciated by women is rather access to paid leave.

This is the proportion of Quebecers interested in the four-day week. Faced with this observation, the first word that may come to mind is “laziness”. However, many studies have already proven that it is impossible to be at the top of your form five days a week. Half of Quebecers who responded to the recruitment firm’s survey from March 30 to April 6, 2023 admitted it. Although the concept is attractive, workers fear being paid less, working longer hours or feel that it is not possible to implement it in their sector of activity.

As an employer and manager, you may have to manage employees who have two or even three jobs at the same time. This trend of multiple jobs is gaining popularity among our neighbors, reports EBN magazine. Nearly half of Americans already hold multiple jobs or plan to do so in the coming years, according to payroll services company Paychex. Inflation and the cost of living have played a major role in the rise of polycommuting and, among the youngest, the pressing desire to achieve financial freedom is tipping the scales. More than one in five polyworkers, however, explains that they would be unable to pay their bills if they did not hold several jobs. Given the continued adoption of flexible working hours, this trend towards polyworking could therefore increase, predicts EBN.

It’s the same song every day: lack of manpower and retention of talent. If at least you could count on all Quebec graduates… However, two out of three graduates of English-speaking Quebec universities leave the province after their studies to enter the professional world, reminds us of the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal (CCMM). One of the issues concerns language. Only 70% are fluent in French. As an employer, you have the opportunity to turn the tide with the CCMM project “We work in French”. The initiative aims to integrate graduates of English-speaking universities into businesses, particularly those in information technology, computer science, mechanical engineering and computer systems security. Another idea to strengthen your employer brand with the next generation.

Sun Life offers a mental health coaching service provided by CloudMD. The idea is to decrease the number of Canadians who miss work due to mental health issues. It is the leading cause of disability claims in the country. The tool targets employees at risk of developing a mental health problem (generalized anxiety, sleep disorder, depression), and sends them an email recommending a self-assessment. Then, a coach establishes an action plan with them, provides regular feedback on progress and redirects employees to the appropriate resources when needed. Sun Life also provides a guide for managers on when to promote the service. For example, with Mother’s Day and Father’s Day coming up, the promotional opportunity is “Unresolved Grief,” the flyer says, because “despite the arrival of spring, those who have recently lost a loved ones may find this party difficult.”