resim 362
resim 362

For two centuries, the Legion of Honor has been awarded in the name of the Head of State to reward the most deserving citizens in all fields of activity. Erected as an honorary distinction, it brings no material or financial benefit to the person who owns it. However, it represents a source of pride and prestige, which continues to prevail over the years. Does it now offer retirement benefits to its recipients?

The Legion of Honor now has 79,000 members. On average, 2,200 French people and 300 foreigners are decorated each year. The ministers must decide who can be the future decorated and any citizen without a criminal record who has proven eminent merit in the service of the nation can obtain it. It is thus possible to receive the Legion of Honor in a military or civilian capacity. You can absolutely refuse it, but for this you must have been appointed by decree published in the Official Journal. It can also be withdrawn from you in the event of a criminal conviction.

The decoration does not bring benefits for his retirement. While an annuity is actually provided for the military, it hardly reaches ten euros. For the rank of Knight, it amounts to 6.10 euros and can go up to 24.39 euros for a Grand Cross. However, the purchase of the decoration represents a significant sum that must be paid to the Monnaie de Paris. A Knight will thus pay 168.50 euros for his Legion of Honor when a Grand Cross will pay it up to 884.50 euros. We must not forget the chancery fees, which vary from 20.28 euros to 101.38 euros.