
Impact of Solar Activity Cycle on Earth

The Sun is reaching the peak of its 11-year activity cycle, leading to potential impacts on Earth. Recent observations of auroras by a larger number of people around the world have been triggered by a powerful solar storm affecting the Earth’s magnetic field.

During the peak of the solar activity cycle, we can expect new particle explosions, which can result in beautiful auroras in the sky and geomagnetic storms that may damage infrastructures like power grids and satellites in orbit.

The process behind these phenomena involves high-energy particles from the Sun traveling towards Earth, guided by the solar magnetic field. These particles interact with the Earth’s magnetic field, transferring energy and creating the colorful lights in the sky known as auroras.

The recent sightings of auroras further south in the northern hemisphere are a result of the compression and release of the Earth’s magnetic field due to solar intensity. This can lead to geomagnetic storms, posing risks to electric currents in infrastructure like power lines and pipelines.

Satellites are also at risk during strong solar storms, as they can experience electrical surges that damage instruments and communications. These events can impact GPS systems, internet bandwidth via satellite, and high-frequency radios used by aircraft.

Studying auroras on other planets can provide valuable insights into magnetic fields in celestial objects. Instruments like the “planeterella” simulate auroras and help researchers understand the phenomena better.

Overall, while auroras are natural wonders, advancements in understanding solar activity help us prepare and protect against potential damages from future geomagnetic storms.