resim 218
resim 218

Astronomy enthusiasts will be thrilled. On the night of Thursday August 11 to Friday August 12, the sky will hold surprises that are likely to delight the bravest. At 3:36 sharp, it will be possible to observe the last supermoon of the year.

This will make it look about 17% bigger and 30% brighter. This phenomenon is explained by the Earth-Moon distance which is shorter at this time. Indeed, it was on Wednesday August 10 around 7 p.m. that the perigee, the shortest distance (356,500 km), was reached.

In the columns of Le Parisien, NASA explains that the supermoon “is not an official astronomical term, but it is generally used to describe a full moon which is at least 90% of perigee”.

This night will not only be marked by the supermoon. Indeed, if it still dominates the sky, another phenomenon will occur, the Perseids.

This event is quite famous and comes back every year between July and August. It corresponds to the moment when the Earth crosses a field of dust left by the comet Swift-Tuttle.

These meteor showers are always popular with astronomy enthusiasts or those who want to gaze at the beauty of a starry sky. The brightness of the supermoon will make the Perseids less visible, but the show should still be there.