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A unique new role for Lannick Gautry. This September 1 is broadcast Aim for the heart, the TF1 thriller event directed by Vincent Jamain in which the actor plays Novak Lisica. A character as enigmatic as it is disarming with a very atypical profile: lawyer in a reputable firm, he dumps everything to become a police commissioner. Funny conversion!

“I thought the character had panache, he was sometimes ambivalent. He was a kind of chameleon”, says the actor for Planet. And, to explain why he agreed to play this hero. “It was interesting to play because I was never offered to play it. It was also the way for me to move towards something new”.

Especially since this professional trajectory is also intriguing for its interpreter. “I have a lawyer friend who told me it’s completely improbable!” Laughs Lannick Gautry. “It’s part of the things that I liked”. Just like his “defender” approach to conducting his interrogations when his goal is to make the alleged culprits confess. “This antinomy is very interesting and precisely allows us to introduce a character that is new”.

In fiction, the temporal structure of the detective scenario also brings a singular aspect to better follow the plot. “What seduced me were the flashbacks,” admits the famous actor. “I found it really interesting to follow the story of these characters”, through three different eras between the 1980s and 2000s until today. And for good reason, his career is linked with that of a protagonist who greatly counted in the life of the former criminal.

The fiction Vise mon cœur is also the story of the reunion between Novak Lisica and Julia Scola, the two heroes embodied by Lannick Gautry and Claire Keim. From school benches to high school, we discover over the course of six episodes that they were friends before falling in love, then ex-lovers. While life separated them for twenty years, the young woman made a career in the police. But, when she sees this ghost of the past reappear, we imagine that their relationship will be complicated.

“It’s a complex relationship,” concedes the star of the small screen, taking care not to spoil the plot. Between the investigations that follow one another, we see the evolution between her two ex-lovers. “It’s a kind of redemption for my character, we feel that he has something to make the other accept,” insists the forties. “We imagine that the character has something to be forgiven, but is the other white as snow? In everyday life, it’s rare,” he remarks with a smile.

If the collaboration between the two heroes is likely to spark, the actor was delighted to find the actress he already knows well. In the past, Claire Keim and Lannick Gautry have starred in the TV movies In the skin of a great (2011) and Codename: Rose (2012). “We hadn’t toured together for ten years. I live in Brittany so I’m not often in Paris”, tells us the actor.

For the latter, Claire Keim is an ideal acting partner on set. “It’s always a real pleasure to work with Claire Keim. She’s a good friend and a great actress”, before being complimentary about her qualities. “It’s always easy to play with Claire. She is very fair and attentive. She is able to adapt her game without losing her guideline, depending on the others”.

On the set of the police soap opera, Lannick Gautry found his on-screen partner Claire Keim. In the cast, they team up with other stars like Élodie Hesme, Noémie Chicheportiche and comedian Waly Dia. “A good friend”, according to the commissioner’s interpreter. “He’s someone very simple and very funny above all, it’s his job”.

But it was with the actor Zinedine Souhalem that he forged a strong friendship over the course of their career, notably playing in Russian Dolls at the cinema. “I’m very good friends with Zinedine Souhalem. He’s really an adorable guy, I love to see him again every time”, explains the famous actor. Just like her close friend Juliette Plumecocq who makes an appearance this season in the TF1 detective series.

“It was a superb atmosphere”, emphasizes Lannick Gautry, surrounded by his “comrades and friends” for three months of filming between the Paris region and Normandy. “The more dramatic the story, the more you want to mess around and the shootings are funny”. The opportunity for the actor to slip us a memorable memory. “It is especially Claire who experienced it, it was during the first episode with the wolf in a cellar”, adding. “It’s super interesting to find yourself like that on the set with a rather quirky moment”.

Between mystery, investigations and secrets of the past, this detective series could seduce and touch the heart of the public. And, as a last piece of advice to readers, Lannick Gautry persists and signs. “I’m particularly proud of this series because it’s very original. I think there’s a great light, it’s very well done. The plots are good and it’s worth it”.