A trainee in Brandenburg is not allowed to become a civil servant because of her connections to right-wing extremist circles. Her urgent application to the administrative court was rejected.

A trainee teacher in Brandenburg was denied civil service status due to her close ties to right-wing extremist circles. As “Spiegel” reports, the administrative court in Frankfurt (Oder) rejected her urgent application last Thursday. A spokesperson for the court announced this decision on Monday.

The court justified its decision by saying that the woman in question “does not offer the guarantee of loyalty to the constitution required for appointment to the civil service.” However, she has the option of appealing against this decision to the Higher Administrative Court.

Last year, the Brandenburg Ministry of Education had already banned the prospective teacher from carrying out her official duties and ordered the revocation of her civil service status.

One of the triggers for this was a report by the Tagesspiegel newspaper, according to which a trainee teacher with connections to the right-wing extremist scene was working at a school. According to the report, the woman was given leave of absence on September 14, 2023, three weeks after the end of the holidays, but only after the Tagesspiegel had inquired with the Ministry of Education. However, a letter from the Office for the Protection of the Constitution with information on right-wing extremist connections was received by the ministry on July 27, the Tagesspiegel reports.

The woman is said to have completed her teaching internship at a school in the Märkisch-Oderland district and to have worked as a presenter for the news channel of the “Compact” magazine on several occasions. She is said to have concealed her identity by wearing a brown wig and using other names.

Since 2021, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution has classified the Compact magazine as proven right-wing extremist.

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