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In 2030, will France beat Quebec by winning the prize for the place with the greatest number of La Cage – Brasserie sportive restaurants on its territory? At least that’s the plan that French business people who work with the Quebec chain want to follow.

England and Portugal also seem to have an appetite for chicken wings and the blitz burger from the sports brasserie founded 40 years ago.

This statement about the number of establishments in France which would surpass La Belle Province, Jean Bédard, big boss of the Grandio Group – which notably manages La Cage – hears it “often” from the mouth of his partner wishing to develop the brand in the hexagon. To this, Mr. Bédard responds on the line: “We’ll see. It’s too early to set goals. »

However, he recognizes that there is a lot of appetite for this concept where giant screens and popcorn are king and master.

As the chain celebrates its 40th anniversary this year, Mr. Bédard – at the head of the company since 1995 – wants to “slack off a little” by abandoning operations to focus more on international development.

France, where a second restaurant will be opened by the end of the year, however, risks not having exclusivity since “serious groups” from England and Portugal also seem to wish to import the concept to their home countries. , he says. “I don’t understand what’s happening,” says Jean Bédard.

However, anyone who wanted to slow down the pace risks ultimately being very busy because of these foot calls, he admits. Mr. Bédard is flying to Europe next week “to shake things up a bit.”

He also wants to be better “equipped” on the other side of the Atlantic. “It’s going to take someone to take care of the development there. »

But how can we explain such European enthusiasm for this 100% Quebec concept?

Do not look for a translation for La Cage – Brasserie sportive in English or Portuguese, as the name will remain the same. Just as they have preserved American company names like Burger King, Europeans “want to keep the entire brand”.

Moreover, on the French site of La Cage, we can read many expressions with Quebecois sauce such as “tie your tuque” or “tire-toi une log”. People even praise chicken wings: “It’s like wings, but better.”

“I think it’s sexy, the fact that it’s from Quebec,” mentions Mr. Bédard with a smile in his voice.

In addition to international expansion, Jean Bédard is thinking about his future and that of the Grandio Group, founded in June 2022 with more than fifty restaurant branches, including La Cage, le Cochon dingue and Moishes. In five years, the 60-year-old intends to give up his place at the head of the Group… but he won’t be far away. “I don’t want to be a nuisance. But I might stay around the company for a long time. I have a great succession. My two sons work in the company. It’s a beautiful baby that I want to keep in Quebec. »

He has already decided to abandon operations and no longer holds the presidency of La Cage. A passage full of emotion. “I have to move from La Cage to Grandio,” says the man who first became a franchisee in 1989. Until recently, I had two email addresses and I still used the one. I don’t know why,” he says with a laugh.

Mr. Bédard finally managed to cut the cord by relying solely on his Grandio Group address.

While he recognizes that customers are still flocking to La Cage – a new branch will soon open on Laurier Boulevard in Quebec – other Grandio Group brands are having more difficulties.

For the industry as a whole, in addition to restaurateurs who are struggling, he fears that some owners who have been established for a long time and for whom business is going well will still decide to throw in the towel due to exhaustion. “It’s going to happen because it’s tough. »

Therefore, caution will be required this year. ” Be careful. You have to count, you don’t have to get upset. It won’t be easy for anyone. »

And to make a golf analogy, he adds: “We’re playing on a narrow course, it’s not the time to try new clubs. You have to keep your eye on the ball and hit it in the middle. »