the Actor Koen De Bouw (55), the former is not tolerated and that he was seen as the “Nice Guy”, as he shows in the Festival. “When I was twelve, I’ve experienced what the power of attraction of Beautiful Minds can have an effect on the bad guys.”
“I identified myself in the past with heldenrollen,” according to The Construction industry. “They pushed me, even. In the past, I couldn’t really appreciate it, if someone said to me that I was a Beautiful Boy. Due to the circumstances. I don’t want to continue to dwell on it, but when I was twelve years of age, I have experienced what the attraction to a Beautiful baby Boy on the bad guys. Be an adult, a teacher, had to take advantage of what I looked like. As a result, I (at first unconsciously and then consciously – was dropped off at my so-called beauty. I wanted to have nothing to do with it.”
in the Meantime, the actor is “who ” history” will be processed, and, as he says in the magazine. “It has been a long time, but forty years later, I can be a compliment, not to join forces to reduce. In the meantime, I think it is even best for kids.
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