New Video for Corona – Karl Klammer was no coincidence seinGut for mental hygiene: SRF-Comedian Stefan Büsser introduces his own conspiracy theory on the net.Linus Schöpfer36 Kommentare36Sein latest Video a smart Volte: Comedian Stefan Büsser is.Photo: Ellin Anderegg

Stefan Büsser manages many of the media dream: He reached with his Corona-explainer videos, hundreds of thousands in the social media. Büsser, is an Influencer of reason.

But Corona is polarized, and the Videos of the Zurich stand in direct competition to the most popular conspiracy theories that are currently being offered on Whatsapp around. And so the SRF-man is confronted specializing, so far, to light entertainment, with the shallows of the Youtube channels, and more obscure groups.

Büsser is regarded as a stooge of the “main stream media” is attacked as an Agent of Bill Gates. His third Corona-Video, published by Büsser, yesterday, countering the hatred.

The Video is a hilarious Volte: The Comedian spins himself in his own conspiracy theory. Karl brace, the virtual assistant from Microsoft Office, I recruited him as a youth. With the first money he was able to buy a Töffli. Thereafter, a gradual rise in the media, finally, up each Morning with a Briefing from Bill Gates via Facetime who made that call him “commands verbally and by email”. His cystic fibrosis Büsser is as crummy marketing trick.

Also, formally, the Video is of a typical conspiracy video: title with capital letters and exclamation points, crazy drumming, and a dramatic piano as a sound carpet that urgent note, the Video, “before it is deleted”. With verpixeltem face and distorted voice of the “System commitment”, “no longer wanted to” be silent.

Stefan Büsser said that he had been insulted in the last days as never before. In his second Corona-the Video he tried to the best arguments of the Corona-skeptics understand. The third Video is now the admission of failure? That you couldn’t come just yet sensible to the conversation? When asked about this, rejects Büsser this Interpretation. For him, the latest Video is much more of a kind of psycho – hygiene “is a Form to convert the hate comments on something Creative, instead of letting me down.”

The Video is also quite informative as Büssers previous Corona films, but at least as funny.

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