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In 2002, at the age of 19, the flagship host of M6, Karine Le Marchand, became the mother of a girl named Alya. In an interview granted to Magicmaman in 2020, the sidekick of Stéphane Plaza had confided in the father of his daughter. “My daughter’s father is Jewish-Hungarian. My father comes from Burundi. We really wanted a name for our daughter that evoked our two origins. Something that was not easy! And we found Alya. Alya who means in Swahili (therefore for the origins of my father) ‘the most fervent’, and in Hebrew ‘the ascent to God which passes through the return to the promised land’, she explained.

Under what circumstances did the couple separate? Again, the host of Love is in the meadow spoke about the causes of his breakup in Télé Cable Sat. “One evening, at the restaurant, I am with my companion and the waiter welcomes us with a ‘Bonjour Monsieur et Madame Le Marchand.’ As it was not his name, he took my hand and said: ‘Listen to me carefully, I will never be Monsieur Le Marchand.’ It contributed to our separation,” she said.

Since then, Karine Le Marchand has been more discreet about her private life, not wishing to expose her private life to the big day. Happier than ever alongside her daughter, she shares snapshots of the latter on her Instagram account on a few rare occasions. “An inspiring, joyful world, where everyone can trace their own path, with the hope of finding their place. A world respectful of others, of the Earth and of animals… A world where “To love” and “to be loved” can to be the ambition of a lifetime. This is the world of tomorrow that I want for my daughter, my sun,” she wrote in the caption of a publication.