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Autumn under the sign of love for Karin Viard. The famous actress married her partner, director Manuel Herrero in a religious ceremony that took place on the first weekend of October in Spain, under the Balearic sun. The opportunity for the couple to reveal some pictures that caused a sensation on social networks.

“Married in the year! It was fabulous”, wrote the bride and lover of Manuel Herrero on a first photo where we see the couple posing in front of the altar in the church in front of the priest who celebrated their union . For this big day, the newlyweds have chosen to break the codes by abandoning the tuxedo and the white dress. Karin Viard’s husband opted for a shirt as the Caesarised star looked sublime in a tight dress in metallic gray tones. Giving them both the look of cosmonauts.

In a second shot unveiled by the fifty-year-old star on Instagram, fans could take a closer look at their incredible outfit signed Isabel Marant, exchanging a kiss at the exit of the church. And, Karin Viard’s husband proudly displayed his wedding ring on his left ring finger. A happy event for the latter who radiated happiness alongside his wife in another photo on Instagram, where they pose under a shower of heart-shaped confetti, in Formentera.

Several celebrities have not failed to send their congratulations on the social network. Like actor Alex Lutz, actress Anne Marivin and actress Helena Noguerra. “I corrected: it should have read: mama mia WHAT a fall… of kidneys! Superlove to you both”, complimented the latter on Instagram. While comedian Bérengère Krief was captivated by the look of the bride and groom. “No, but the outfits we loooove”, rejoiced in turn the star of Syndrome E.

More in love and accomplices than ever, Karin Viard and Manuel Herrero have shared many pictures of their vacation in South America. A few months before, they were married at the town hall of Paris last June. During this union celebrated by the former rugby player Pierre Rabadan, Deputy Mayor of Paris in charge of sport, the Olympic and Paralympic Games and the Seine, the couple displayed their love in style, dressed by Dior. Discover in pictures the album of their wedding in our slideshow.