resim 193
resim 193

Julie Leclerc will never have been able to celebrate her 50 years on the air at Europe 1. After 49 years of good and loyal service, one of the historic voices of this radio was dismissed in the summer of 2021. On this July 11, 2021 , it is a completely different anniversary that the host celebrates, hers. Now 77 years old, the former partner of Nicolas Canteloup had been saddened by her departure from Europe 1 which was “not of her doing”, as she had declared at the time to our colleagues from the AFP.

The case made a lot of noise since it is a historical personality who was appreciated by his colleagues such as Marc-Olivier Fogiel, who was full of praise for him in the columns of Le Parisien: “With us, she was of great benevolence, a great listener. Humanly, she had great qualities. She was also someone who had a great presence on the air, without ever putting herself forward. A laugh, even a silence of Julie, these were strong moments. And then, Julie was a great signing for Europe 1. She will be greatly missed.”

In his entourage, the decision had seemed particularly unfair. “Separating from Julie after so many years on the air is tough. But depriving her of saying goodbye to listeners is of rare violence”, exclaimed one of his relatives to our colleagues .

However, despite this hard blow, Julie Leclerc was able to bounce back quickly. Since the end of August 2021, about a month after her dismissal, she can now be listened to on a completely different radio, and not the least, since she now regularly appears on the famous program Les Grosses TĂȘtes presented by Laurent Ruquier.

Her fans can therefore find her on RTL radio in joy and in good humor within the team of columnists of Laurent Ruquier, who had taken over from Philippe Bouvard after 37 years on the air.