JP Morgan comment a Bad sign for the Deutsche Bank
JP Morgan comment a Bad sign for the Deutsche Bank

This number you have to let it melt on your tongue: All the 31 billion dollars has earned the largest American Bank JP Morgan in the past year. If the Bank wanted out of New York, you could buy this year, winning the Deutsche Bank and the Commerzbank, which currently have a combined market value of 23 billion euros.

But why Bank chief Jamie Dimon should want to do that? His Institute has demonstrated for years how in the banking business after the financial crisis, high profits, and not only Deutsche Bank, but also other European competitors look old, the once squared up with the Golden boys of Wall Street play.

The Bank helps to ensure that it operates in addition to a very powerful investment banking, also a solid business with private customers and companies in the United States, in times of the humming economy that yields good profits. A slump in the bond trade to at least 18 percent you can practice Dimons in pursuit of a record as just a bit of haze. “The brake could not be swell for me, to be honest, more level,” he said self-consciously in an analyst conference.

the Deutsche Bank is likely to look very different, if you are presenting numbers in the previous two weeks of the year. For your investment banking, the bond business is the most important leg to stand on. And for the whole of the last beleaguered Bank, in turn, it is essential that the investment Bank was finally in a better income.