resim 111
resim 111

Ideal son-in-law, grieving widower and ultimately murderer. One autumn evening in 2017, Jonathann Daval kills his wife, Alexia Fouillot, with whom he has shared his life for ten years. Married, the couple was going through a difficult time, particularly related to their difficulties in having a child. On the day of the crime, yet another argument breaks out, according to the statements of the culprit, who claims to have indulged in a “outburst of anger” on his wife. The body of the young woman was found buried under branches in a wood a few kilometers from her home, partially charred.

Tried in 2020 for these facts, Jonathann Daval was sentenced by the Besançon Court of Appeal to 25 years of criminal imprisonment, and to the payment of nearly 160,000 euros in damages to the family of the victim. His lawyer, Me Randall Schwerdorffer, explains to us that he is today “a completely ordinary prisoner, as far as possible”. What is his life like behind bars?

Today, Jonathann Daval is no longer in solitary confinement: he is in a detention center dedicated to people who have been sentenced to long terms. This implies that he now has access to sports lessons, private lessons, group walks or prison work.

“He has a lot of activities, he is very involved in manual or other activities, he still has frequent contact with his family,” says the lawyer. “Today we have no need to see him again, but I regularly hear from his mother, Martine”.