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Before meeting the one who has shared his life for almost 13 years, the actor Jean-Pierre Darroussin first married a certain Geneviève Adrey with whom he had daughters: Marie and Juliette. After their separation, he finds love again in the arms of actress Valérie Stroh.

Since 2009, Jean-Pierre Darroussin has been living peaceful days alongside the Franco-Swedish director Anna Novion. The latter has shot several feature films, including Rendez-vous à Kiruna, which won the prize for best film at the Cairo International Film Festival in 2012. “She is very precise, very choreographic. She looks at me with great acuity and perceives all the nuances,” said the actor to Télé Star and continued: “We can’t stop him! When you live with someone who does this job, it’s something quite obsessive, because every moment nourish his inspiration”.

The couple, who became parents to a boy named Vincent in 2014, had met on the set of the feature film The Grown Ups, directed by Anna Novion herself. A relationship that the actor did not think possible because of their 26-year gap. “There is a big age difference between us, so I did not imagine that it was possible”, declared Jean-Pierre Darroussin in the show Je t’aime etc in November 2018. Planet invites you to discover their pretty couple photos in our slideshow.