
New Initiative in Granby Promotes Carbon Footprint Reduction

The concept of responsible economy and decarbonization is becoming more tangible for businesses. Incorporating these practices not only benefits the environment but also opens up opportunities for companies to secure contracts and grants.

Exxel Polymers highlighted this shift during the “Granby Net-Zero Carbon 2030” initiative launched by Granby Industriel. Hans Fortin, the general manager of Exxel Polymers, mentioned that clients are now approaching them with a requirement to reduce their carbon footprint and seeking guidance on how to achieve this goal.

Certain industries have been quicker to adapt to the new environmental standards. For example, in the aerospace sector, major clients are now demanding carbon assessments and decarbonization plans from their suppliers, including those in Granby.

Financial institutions are also taking decarbonization seriously. Desjardins has started considering companies’ decarbonization plans and their ability to address climate emergencies when determining loan approvals.

Granby Industriel’s new initiative aims to support five to ten companies in their decarbonization journey over 18 months. This will involve group training sessions and specific actions within each participating company to make them self-sufficient in managing greenhouse gas emissions.

Measuring emissions is the first crucial step towards reducing them, according to Eric Tessier, the director of industrial development at Granby Industriel. He emphasized that there is no one-size-fits-all solution, and each company needs to identify areas where environmental improvements can be made, whether it’s with suppliers, transportation, or other aspects of the supply chain.

Additionally, companies will be equipped with experts in decarbonization to facilitate the transition towards a net-zero carbon future. Pierre Fillion, CEO of the Council of Sustainable Industries, urged entrepreneurs to embrace decarbonization and position themselves as leaders in their respective industries to stay relevant in the changing landscape.