the Japanese artist Hiroshi Fuji will be presenting his new show ‘One Plastic’ for. The artist has created a colourful landscape with the dinosaurs, which were created out of the more than 100,000 toys. By doing so, he discarded the plastic for a new life. It was special for the dinosaurs, because the plastic can sometimes be made out in the fossils and bones of these prehistoric animals. By doing so, he made the visitors aware of the death, the amount of plastic we consume and throw away. “Plastics is a multi-purpose, a big problem is that we need to resolve,” says the artist. During the visit, children may also bring their own toys to take with me in order to make a donation to the exhibition, or in order to build something new. The exhibition was already held in different parts of the world to get around raising awareness.

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see also:

the Divers retrieve more than two tons of discarded plastic, fishing nets out of the sea

This is not a sexy, small dish: Sergio kookt ‘plastic soup’ in the school:

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