its mission wishes that the clothing retailer ZEB to the images are to withdraw from the Waes and along the railway line to walk. The spoorinfrastructuurbeheerder has already been in contact with the company, and the management of the tv picture. “This is a very, very unfortunate”, says on Wednesday in its mission.

in its mission over the last month across the country, a negentigtal ‘flitsmarathons taken, with the stricter controls at spoorlopers and for those who have a closed deal, ignore it. According to its mission, is necessary, as it is during the first eight months of this year, 489 reports came in of people who on the tracks, walk away. There were also three people dead and two seriously injured in road accidents by spoorlopen. In addition, there were 33 accidents at crossings, with six dead and four seriously injured.

“We’re putting a lot into raising awareness. It is sad and disappointing that we have provided at the end of a campaign is to be confronted with the images of the Waes that the trace is running. That’s a bad example,” said Infrabel spokesman Frédéric Petit. “We have therefore today (Wednesday, ed.) with the management of the Waes, and, with ZEB, with a demand for the images to be deleted.”

“We are waiting for a response from the parties involved,” says Petit, yet. “We are looking forward to a positive response.”