It breaks my heart Golf professional Lyle dies at the age of 36 years
It breaks my heart Golf professional Lyle dies at the age of 36 years

Australian golfer Jarrod Lyle is dead. The father of a family died on Wednesday evening at the age of 36 years to the consequences of a cancer disease. "It breaks my heart not to tell that Jarrod is no longer among us", wrote Lyle’s wife Briony in a statement. The former PGA Tour player leaves behind two children.

"Feel nothing but sadness"

"Lusi, Jemma and I are now faced in order to have a life without the best husband and father life. We feel nothing but sorrow", wrote Briony Lyle. Jarrod Lyle had gone because of his leukemia-disease in the past week in the palliative care. As a 17-Year-old, he had overcome the disease, first of all, marriage in 2012 were re-occurred symptoms.

"He asked me a simple message to pass on: 'Thank you for the support that meant the world to me. My time was short – but if I helped, the families that have to live with the cancer, then she was hopefully not in vain'", wrote Briony Lyle.

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