
Stock Market Update: Ishares Edge MSCI USA Qlty Fctr Indx ETF (XQLT-T)

Ishares Edge MSCI USA Qlty Fctr Indx ETF (XQLT-T) closed higher on Friday, showing a 0.69% increase from the previous day. The ETF opened at $37.72 and closed at $37.86, with intraday prices ranging from $37.67 to $37.98.

Across North America, the TSX Composite closed at 22007.00, the S&P 500 closed at 5352.96, the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 38886.17, and the Nasdaq Composite closed at 17173.12.

Ishares Edge MSCI USA Qlty Fctr Indx ETF is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) under the ticker XQLT. During the last trading day, a total of 3,141 shares were traded with 16 total trades and an average volume of 4,169 in the last five days.

In the past 52 weeks, XQLT.TO has traded as high as $37.98 and as low as $28.17. Over the last 12 months, the ETF’s shares have increased by 34.21%, and this year, they have advanced by 18.76%.

Ishares Edge MSCI USA Qlty Fctr Indx ETF is a company headquartered in None. The ETF aims to provide investors with exposure to the performance of U.S. equity securities identified as exhibiting positive quality characteristics by the index provider. The current index for the ETF is the MSCI USA Sector Neutral Quality Index.

According to Zacks, the average recommendation for Ishares Edge MSCI USA Qlty Fctr Indx ETF is “Strong Sell” based on 0.00 analysts.

Please note that this report is generated using automated technology that summarizes market data into articles for readers. Ongoing projects using artificial intelligence include valuation screens across 14 categories and end-of-day Closing Summary reports for all North American securities.