Ionisatierookmelders as of January 1 is prohibited in the house
Ionisatierookmelders as of January 1 is prohibited in the house

as of January 1, 2020, are smoke alarms compulsory in every home, but it may not be a ionisatierookmelder it. The sale to private parties of the ionisatierookmelders has been banned since 2010, but from January 1 it is also prohibited to have in the house, but, as reported by the Federal agency for nuclear control on Tuesday. The life expectancy of a smoke detector shall be according to the FACEBOOK of ten years ago, so most of the people would, in the meantime, had to be. Who is at home, however, there was one lying around, which can make the recyclagepark of charge.

There are two main types of smoke alarms: photoelectric smoke alarms and ionisatierookmelders. They are detectors, which operate on the basis of a radioactive source. They hold little or no risk to the user, but it can be harmful to the environment if they are not in the right afvalcircuit reach, according to FACEBOOK.

According to a Royal Decree issued in 2010, the use of the ionisatierookmelders to sell it to other individuals. As of January 1, 2020, according to the same KB are, however, also be banned in order to “ionisatierookmelders to be used for domestic purposes”. FACEBOOK is calling people to see if they have a ionisatierookmelder in the house, and in this case, the recyclagepark to make.

When a ionisatierookmelder is damaged, it means that it is “very small exposure” to radioactive contamination. For each risk, we recommend that the agency, on the plastic gloves to wear during the removal of the device, and in combination with the smoke detector in a sealed plastic bag in the recyclagepark to make.

Ionisatierookmelders are indicated by the warning sign for ionising radiation, or the legend “am-241”. That is, for americium in-241, the radioactive source is usually used in the ionisatierookmelders.