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Eliminating insects from your home can quickly become a daunting task. For this, many products exist on the market. These insecticides should allow you to facilitate their extermination. Nevertheless, many of them can be toxic.

The Manuel MSD, reference press for doctors and pharmacists in France, has published a report on the toxicity of insecticides. A danger for humans is noted there. Indeed, the study specifies that “a large number of insecticides can cause intoxication after being ingested, inhaled or absorbed through the skin”. Among the symptoms, there are watery eyes, but also more serious symptoms such as “heart problems or breathing difficulties”. To avoid all risks, it is beneficial to go for natural solutions.

If you have already turned to natural solutions sold commercially, but none have been proven to work, carnivorous plants may be your solution. Discover in our slideshow below the most effective in eliminating flies or mosquitoes.

Indeed, carnivorous plants have the particularity of feeding on all these insects which complicate our lives. The Klorane Botanical Foundation specifies that these plants are most often insectivorous, and not really carnivorous. To do this, they first attract insects to them and then capture them. Each of them has developed its own technique to capture them. More generally, two types of traps stand out:

These plants native to the American and Asian continents could therefore be your new allies against mosquitoes this summer, or against flies.

Check out our slideshow below for seven types of carnivorous plants to adopt in your home.