resim 116
resim 116

The year 2022 will have been deeply marked by inflation. Soaring prices at the gas pump, food shortages, declining purchasing power… The last few months have been particularly trying for the wallets of French consumers. To help the latter cope with the rising prices, the government has offered various aids, bonuses and premiums. But when will an increase in wages for a more lasting solution?

In an exclusive survey unveiled on December 7, 2022, Le Parisien reveals that year-end negotiations could lead to higher increases than in 2022, when all employees had enjoyed a 3% increase in January … But still below the 5.8% inflation forecast for next year.

In the columns of our colleagues, a human resources manager says that the October discussions were concluded as follows: “All non-executive employees obtained 5.5% salary increase for 2023 and executives had 4 .5%, excluding bonuses”.

The Ile-de-France daily, which relies on the results of Alixio’s “Salary Inflation” survey, writes: “Questioned in October and November, nearly 200 human resources directors (HRDs) or compensation managers within medium-sized and large companies plan to pay around 4.3% salary increase in 2023”. If this revaluation is greater than in 2022, will it be enough to face the year 2023?

Nothing is less sure. Since the start of the school year in September, one in three companies has experienced social movements. In addition, Le Parisien reports that 78% of business leaders envisage a “tense” social climate for the month of January 2023. Gilbert Cette, an economist specializing in the labor market, recalls that we already know that inflation will be significant for the first two quarters of the year. “But if it lasts longer, some companies will have to reopen negotiations during the year to avoid dissension. It will be inevitable,” says the specialist.

To limit the damage, some companies multiply the additional benefits…

Profit-sharing, specific bonuses, health costs… Faced with inflation, some bosses are imaginative in order to limit the negative effects on the purchasing power of their employees.

The human resources manager interviewed by the daily said: “This is, for example, the first time that we have distributed an exceptional purchasing power bonus (PEPA) of 500 euros. We have also neutralized the 10% increase in price of collective catering for 2023 and we have absorbed almost all of the increase in health costs. (…) Finally, the matching contribution on profit-sharing has increased from 1,000 euros to 1,250 euros”.

And to Gilbert This to conclude: “It is certain that for employees, salary increases are the most essential lever”.