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For their 2023 ranking of the banks with the best fees, Capital and Panorabanques studied the offers of more than 100 establishments. Using the Panorabanques comparative tool, they specified their classification according to 7 distinct customer profiles, their expectations and their needs.

The 7 types of customers selected for this study were those of a young person, an employee, a “middle” manager, a senior manager, a merchant, a business manager and a a retiree. These profiles have very different daily banking service consumption habits, whether in terms of the type of bank card used, the number of transfers made, the frequency of payment incidents, the need to make withdrawals abroad…

However, if last September, the large establishments had undertaken to contain the increase in their prices to 2%, the majority of profiles are subject to an average increase in prices above the ceiling of 2% this year. Even if, according to Panorabanques, the average increase was only 0.3% on January 1, 2023.

Young people show the largest increase in their bank charges with a 7% increase. Business leaders suffer a 4% increase, retirees 2.6% and senior managers 2.1%. On average, this year, the French will pay 220.60 euros in bank charges, according to Capital.

Discover below Capital’s ranking of the banks with the best bank charges according to your profile.