resim 196
resim 196

A 39-year-old had sex with his wife on an altar. The Traunstein regional court has now imposed a prison sentence on the Upper Bavarian.

A 39-year-old from Upper Bavaria had sexual intercourse with his wife on the altar of a church in the summer of 2022.

The Traunstein regional court has now imposed a six-month prison sentence on him for disrupting the practice of religion. The court confirmed relevant newspaper reports from Thursday. The woman had previously accepted a penalty order and thereby avoided a trial.

For other crimes, mainly fraud involving six-figure damage, the court sentenced the man to a total sentence of five years and five months in prison.

The desecrated altar in the parish church of Schechen near Rosenheim had already been re-blessed before Christmas 2023. Canon law provides for a penitential rite in such cases.

Since she was 19, Anouk has been unable to eat without pain without vomiting. Doctors diagnosed Dunbar syndrome. The 25-year-old explains how much it limits her – but she doesn’t give up hope.

A group of young people is said to have attacked two men in Magdeburg in Saxony-Anhalt, one of whom died. The victim died from life-threatening injuries, police said on Wednesday.