In the tray like Enormous difficulties hinder the search for a child
In the tray like Enormous difficulties hinder the search for a child

the search for The in a more than 100-metre-deep shaft of the missing toddler has been overshadowed in Spain, after four days of setbacks. “We have encountered enormous difficulties,” admitted construction engineer Angel García Vidal on Thursday at the scene of the accident in Totalán in the southern Spanish province of Málaga. The construction of the Tunnel that should lead directly to the end of the well shaft, where the two-year-old Julen is believed to have delayed, therefore, strong, said García Vidal as a spokesman of the rescue team in front of dozens of journalists.

From the boys there for Sunday lunch, no sign of life. Julen is supposed to have fallen during a trip with his family in the hilly area in the hole that has a diameter of only 25 to 30 centimeters. In the case of camera recordings has been discovered in the well shaft at a depth of almost 75 meters of a bag of candy that Julen had. However, lots of earth, prevented a further Advance with the camera.

García Vidal explained, especially the texture of the terrain is for the setbacks to be responsible. The soil consists partly of shale and hard Rock, and was, moreover, very unstable. The cast, especially the plans for the construction of a horizontal tunnel from one side for the time being.

A matter of days, not hours

the priority is to dig one or two tunnels have now parallel to the shaft, said the engineer. To be able to the well record, is currently being built a platform on which the required vehicles and equipment to ensure sufficient support. Hopefully, on Friday, the platform will be ready, he said. To call times for the further process, is impossible. “If everything, really everything goes well, you can gain 50 meters in 12 to 16 hours,” he said. It could also be that you need days. The Vice-delegate of the Central government in Andalusia, María Gámez, assured: “We will all rest for a Minute, until the child is found.”

Several of the media experts interviewed had previously declared, the recovery of the child was a “matter of days, not hours”. “It will take at least two, three, four days,” said the spokesman for the Association of the mine engineers in Málaga, Juan López Escobar, the news Agency Europa Press. On Wednesday, it was welcomed, at least one of the two Tunnel could be in place by Thursday evening ready.

the search close to the 352-Meter-high hill, Cerro de la Corona, about 15 kilometres North-East of the coastal city of Málaga, more than 100 members of the fire brigade, the police, the civil protection and other emergency services involved. Also, numerous experts from companies and universities, as well as the experienced miners of the Northern coal Region of Asturias were called to help.

The shaft is the according to official figures, a total of 107 meters deep. This corresponds approximately to the height of a 30-storey building. He was dug up in December in search of water in the drought-struck Region, apparently without permission. “Every month we discover the 20 illegally dug shafts,” said a spokesman for the environmental Agency of Andalusia.