you want to be an owner of real estate, the notary, for two reasons: The legislature prescribes for the protection of the buyer that a real estate purchase must be notarized to be recorded. In addition, the notary is needed, if the real estate purchase is financed with a loan from a Bank. Because lending institutions require as collateral a so-called mortgage, which is registered in the land book. And this can order only the sovereign working of a notary. FOCUS Online classifieds Here you will find all the classified ads around the theme house, buy animals, fashion, Wellness & Beauty job vacancies leisure & sports, real estate, family, home & garden, electronics, services, vehicles, Search

the Online Check is Just a click away, you can calculate the costs for the notary and the land register entry here,

, The calculator displays the individual cost positions and also takes into account where the object and the notary. Because in the new Federal States, the rates of fees for the notary, as well as for the land register entry are somewhat lower than in the old countries.

Both the notarisation of the purchase contract as well as the registration of the Encumbrance, cost money. How much the buyer must pay, you will learn only if the invoice flutters to the house. For notaries and land register offices do not work to a fixed cost rates to calculate your fees according to the amount of the purchase price. As an orientation value is 1.5 percent of the purchase price should take into account the buyer for the notary and land register. Display mortgage Prefer to buy instead of rent?

With our mortgage calculator you can quickly and easily find the best deal. Compare the conditions of over 60 banks!more

Also for those who are already property owners, at the latest at the time of renewal of your loan the subject of ground-fault again on the table. Who namely after the expiry of the contractual interest rate bond, a period agreed – cheaper – completes loan at the competition, you must transfer the liens to the new credit institution.

The most expensive option is always to delete the existing mortgage and a new. Better advise is, those who agreed with its existing Bank, the assignment of the existing mortgage to the new lender. As the calculator shows, the Savings is large: The assignment fails with just a third of the book, what would be the cost of deletion plus a new entry.

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