Impeachment coup attempt Trump says extradition of gulens
Impeachment coup attempt Trump says extradition of gulens

America’s President, Donald Trump has said Turkey according to the Ankara government for the extradition of the preacher Fetullah Gülen. Trump had explained to his Turkish colleague Recep Tayyip Erdogan at a meeting on the sidelines of the G-20 summit in Argentina, the United States cooperated in the transfer of gülen’s and other people, said the Turkish foreign Minister, Mevlut Cavusoglu, on Sunday in Doha.

“In Argentina, said Trump Erdogan, they worked, Gülen and others to deliver,” said Cavusoglu with respect to the G-20 summit. Erdogan makes Gülen for the attempted coup in 2016, responsible. After the Failure of the uprising, tens of thousands of people were arrested in Turkey or from the government service to dismiss.