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This August 6, 2022, the interpreter Of desire to love, Daniel Lévi, died tragically at the age of 60 years. “My husband, my king Daniel Haim ben Sarah Lévi has joined the Gan Eden”, wrote his wife Sandrine Lévi on her Instagram account. Following the announcement of his disappearance, many of his friends paid tribute to him on social networks.

“My brother….Laazizzzz as we were called. You will be so missed. A voice. What a voice! The gentleness, the power, the grove, the emotion, the modesty, the depth, the humility…..You smiled with embarrassment when I told you that very few of you in the whole world gave us “light bulb flesh”. We talked about music, family, God….And each time it was a deep and humble reflection that you brought to me. Your voice, your hands on the keyboard, your words, your thoughts, your laughter, your smile… I keep them forever in my heart,” wrote his friend, comedian Gad Elmaleh.

For his part, Pascal Obispo had mentioned their friendship in the columns of Parisian. “I thought of his wife Sandrine. It was strange this Saturday. I am, like many people, on vacation in the sun. am going to call him.’ I left a message for Sandrine in the afternoon. And I learned of Daniel’s death a little later. I’m also thinking of the entire Ten Commandments team. We called each other others Saturday night,” he said.

On Sunday August 7, Daniel Lévi was buried in the Saint-Pierre Jewish cemetery in Marseille.

In 2019, the interpreter of The Envy to love revealed to be suffering from colon cancer to our colleagues from Voltage. “It is not a question of bringing out the tissues, the renewal and a word which is not insignificant since I am going through an ordeal of the disease”, he had declared. A year before doctors made a diagnosis, the artist had already seen some warning signs of the disease. “A year before I did my analyses, I had had a warning sign (…) All day it was hell, pain, vomiting and then the next day, nothing. So I I said it was food poisoning, it’s nothing”, he said in 2021 in the show Stars naked.

Unfortunately for him, the diagnosis was made late. “The chemo was so effective that the tumor wouldn’t go away, it snagged the colon and made an occlusion,” he told Voltage. More recently, in an interview granted to Gala in February 2022, Daniel Lévi confided in his state of health and the progress of his cancer. “I took care of myself, I am taking care of myself. The disease is stable (…) I am stopping the chemo which tired me”, he declared and added that he was going to “attack a protocol of immunotherapy to “boost your immune system”.

The one who was revealed by the musical The Ten Commandments shared his life with a sublime woman named Sandrine Aboukrat. As Gala reported, the two lovers met almost six years ago in Marseille when the pretty brunette was hosting a gala. Pushed by a friend, she offers Daniel Lévi to participate in the event. “I was a fan from the start because I was going to listen to him when he was just starting out in a piano bar on rue des Rosiers in Paris. But beware. I was a fan of his voice, not yet of his beautiful eyes!”, she declared and the artist added: “At the time, I was dented by the breakup with the mother of my children…”.

After insisting that he join her in the South of France, the artist arrives in Marseille. It’s love at first sight on a professional but also intimate level. She wants to become his producer without leaving her region. It is therefore the singer who will leave Paris to join his sweetheart and at the same time, marry her. “Everything fell into place! Sandrine has a very good ear and sense of the general public, says her husband. She is critical, too”.

Throughout his career, the artist Daniel Lévi had established himself in the French musical landscape. An uncomfortable position for the singer who suffered from impostor syndrome, as he had declared at Gala in February 2022.

“I didn’t know how to impose myself. I had impostor syndrome, I apologized for being there, passing for an arrogant guy when I was just shy,” he said and d add: “One day, I found myself in a box with Julien Clerc, Francis Cabrel…I had a crazy voice, a huge hit, I was at the top, but I didn’t feel equal with them” .