If the mud is your worst enemy is a French cyclist makes for funny pictures
If the mud is your worst enemy is a French cyclist makes for funny pictures

In France, it was a Sunday, the first race of the Coupe de France we went to a regelmatigheidscriterium cross-country. La Mézière was to set the stage for a muddy cross, just ask Arnaud Jouffroy. The Frenchman, who was at the match, held up on a steep climb in the final. He wanted to leave, but did so by up to three times to do so. He slipped and fell at some point, even all the way to the bottom. Jouffroy, it was, ultimately, the 18th, at nearly four minutes of the winner, Antoine De. Luckily he has the best laugh.


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Steve Chainel was no for him to be standing on the famous climb in the final, but had to be content with second place after the technical problems are: