Karan Oberoi KO model
Karan Oberoi KO model

Think  “Model” and you might think of Kate Moss  and other top models around the world. Think ‘male models’ and you will probably think of Jon Kortajarena or Noah mills. One male model from India who is icon of all sorts be it fashion or fitness – Karan Oberoi popular among his fans as KO by his initials. Started modeling at a very young age soon after he got his first job as a graphic designer, today he  is one of the influential models in India today, be it based on looks, his physique or his career graph.

India’s top male model talks about style,fashion and modeling world.

What is style according to Karan “KO Oberoi ?

Style according to me is any thing that gives you personal touch that has so much attraction that people would love to copy you or would like to be like you. Style also gives you identity that ultimately shapes your personality.

What is fashion according to you?

Fashion is a  popular or latest style of clothing, hair or behavior that keeps changing. Fashion doesn’t last forever but models do.

Why male models have never got recognition, the way female models have in the past?

It’s simple you have to understand at the end of the day female models  have always dominated fashion and modeling world the way males have dominated acting world Hollywood or Bollywood. So I think we should never compare but definitely getting recognition as a male model has always been difficult because of the less opportunities around the world either its London, Milan or India.

Karan Oberoi’s  favorite Fashion trend?

Rugged jeans, white shirt, leather jacket and boots.

One fashion Trend Karan “KO” Oberoi dislikes the most?

I don’t like multi colored pants and piercing.

Quick facts about modeling world?

Modelling world is tough business either its fitness or fashion.

·         Models do not get photo shoots often

·         Models sometimes come into strange situations like they are changing clothes fast while some hidden security camera taking their pictures.

·         Experiences of models are sometimes bitter

·         Sometimes models get paid less.

·         No age bar, earlier you could only become model if you were young enough,but with time it has changed so now no age limit they require mature models too.

Who is Karan “KO” Oberoi ‘s  stylist?

Honestly I have never kept a personal stylist, in fact in all of my photo shoots I styled myself. Honestly if a model is dependent upon good stylist for a photo shoot  then  that means he is not a good model and might not work for long in the industry because for being a good model you need to know everything about style and fashion and you should know what suits you the best.

Your favourite Indian fashion designer ?

My all time favourite fashion designer is Rohit Bal.

Can you tell us something about Indian modelling ?

It’s doing really great now, for fashion designers the modeling industry was always great, but for a model to get recognition is not an easy feet. You still can’t compare it with rest of the world like London or Milan.

Karan Oberoi aka KO  is such a humble and genuine guy, we would like to thank Indian Model Karan Oberoi for this informative interview and wish him all the very best for his future endeavors!