Mellie (54) loves her dog Piglet more than anything. A few months ago, the Chihuahua disappeared without a trace. Since then, she has been looking for him and is spending all her savings on the search.

It is a story that is currently moving many people in Great Britain: Mellie is 54 years old, and her beloved Chihuahua Piglet is everything to her. “He is everything I have. I have no family, no children. He is my life, I prefer being with dogs to being with people. People have wronged me in the past,” Mellie told the Sun about her relationship with the animal.

From March 28, she spent a few days on a friend’s canal boat in Harefield near Uxbridge in west London when it was broken into. And Piglet disappeared.

Mellie told the Sun that she did not know whether the three-year-old dog had run away during the break-in or had been stolen, but that he had been seen at a lock further down the canal a few days later.

In her desperation to find her dog, she walked up and down the towpaths every day and drove around the area to distribute missing persons notices.

At first she also slept in the woods near the jetty, hoping her dog would live in the wild and find her. The first three days were the worst. “I was walking non-stop, it was hailing, it was windy, the trees were falling, it was pouring with rain,” she describes her situation in the Sun. “I didn’t know the area, it was pitch black. I was walking everywhere and I’ve done that every day since then.”

In her effort to find Piglet, Mellie created several Facebook groups and contacted lost dog organizations. She even posted so much on the social media platform that she is currently banned for seven days for “spamming.”

Meanwhile, the dog lover has spent almost all her savings searching for her missing Chihuahua, quit her job – and will now lose her house. Her landlord has agreed to let her leave her belongings in the house until the end of the month, “but after that I’ll be homeless.”

According to the report, she has been living in her car for more than two months now while she continues her search. She has “no savings, no pension, no possessions.” “I have a pair of roller skates, a car and Piglet.” And she won’t rest until she finds her beloved dog.

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