I had on Sunday as Long as the rain will be a huge battle I can do better
I had on Sunday as Long as the rain will be a huge battle I can do better

In his fifth world CHAMPIONSHIPS, he took it for the first time in the top ten. Ten world CHAMPIONSHIPS he has won, and also for the edition of fifteen of the stars to be favorable for Philippe Gilbert (37). “I’m still in good shape. I have always done what needed to be done. Now it’s finger crossing. If the rain will be a huge battle. It would be better than some of the others.”

the of the heavier and wetter the better. I had wanted to be, it is not exactly name it, but his body language spoke a thousand words. On the track, he was very short. “It is not a specific hill or a place where it will be made out to be. It can happen anywhere. Especially if it’s like the past couple of days it will rain and get wet, will we have a long and hard race for them.”

In its 37th has been explosive in the Ardennes Monegask is not as fast as a decade ago. On a dry track, he would have a harder time to make a difference. In case of rain, we get a very different story. “The weather will decide. Seven hours of standing outside in ten degrees, and rainy for a common man, hard to keep up. Let’s say that in those circumstances you have rates. With the rain and the cold, I think, is that we cross the finish line will be walking around. It will be a war of attrition. For the price, it will still take longer than the planned seven hours, and that’s what I like. Correction, I don’t like it. However, there are a few people resistant to the rain and the cold, and I can use it better than others, but philippe Gilbert won his first trump card on the table.

In the past, he proved to have great races in difficult conditions to control. Just think, at the end of the club from 2010, the Circulation of The Newspaper in the freezing cold. I had prefer to be, not just in the often-harsh conditions of the Paris-Nice, instead of the softer ride in Tirreno-Adriatico. “Mathieu van der Poel has a couple of races of six hours or more of driving. Leave it in the rain. That does not make it easier for him.”


the second asset does not depend on the weather. Age and experience are irreversible. Just like its name. The rainbow jersey hanging from his locker. “And of course, that’s it. Suppose I’m in the finals, first to get to two guys who have no world championship or a big race win, in my experience, is sure to exploit. With a little bit of pressure, a little more suspicious of quotes… and The others will always be a little more eager or willing than I am. It is the same as in the classics. If I have ten or eleven of them are on my list of achievements it will make in the appearance of my life, not for the first time. For those who have not, within, the stakes are much higher. I used to play games. Experience is important, but Sunday is just not as crucial as the weather conditions are.”

for More about the uci road world Championships, Greg Van Avermaet for the start of the world cup is already a memorable news: “here again the father, Remco Evenepoel him to admit that he was sokkenregel be definitely excluded in a time trial at the uci road world CHAMPIONSHIPS, but there is an explanation for the staff? I, however, will have to be 110 percent, must be COMMENT. Wielerchef, Wim Vos, calls, the coach, to be clear: “There is still a lot to discuss today and tomorrow”