(Montreal) Hydro-Québec reminds its subscribers that the annual indexation of its electricity rates will come into effect this Saturday.

The Crown corporation has calculated that for residential customers, the monthly impact of the 3% increase will be $2.28 for a five-and-a-half-room dwelling, $4.27 for a 111-meter house. square meters, $5.65 for a 158 square meter house and $6.97 for a large 207 square meter house.

On February 15, the National Assembly adopted Bill 2, which notably allows the price indexation rate of Hydro-Québec’s domestic distribution tariffs to be capped at 3%.

Rates for business customers are increasing by 6.5%, an increase that is said to correspond to the change in the consumer price index (CPI) in Quebec between September 30, 2021 and last September 30.

As for the increase applicable to large-power industrial customers, it is set at 4.2%.

In a press release published the day before the annual indexation comes into effect, Hydro-Québec invites its residential customers to consult the energy performance tool to better understand their consumption and find out how to save. She also suggests that he sign up for dynamic pricing to take advantage of savings in return for reducing his electricity consumption during the coldest hours of winter.

In addition, Hydro-Québec is maintaining the suspension of administration fees for unpaid bills that it introduced in the context of the health crisis, provided that a payment agreement has been reached.