For the Chinese electronics company Huawei is the air thinner. Recently IT has overtaken giant although Apple in the Smartphone business, and Siemens with a view to the number of patent applications. But the success will count for little if a company is under suspicion of espionage and of large markets, is excluded. How dicey the situation is, show Statements made by the, until then, extremely media-shy founder Ren Zhengfei: “I love my country, I support the Communist party, but I will never do anything to hurt any country in the world.”

In the West, no one would take him. Here the Motto is: when In doubt, against the accused. Been brewing for months in the end of development has consequences for entire sectors and countries. Secretly competing network suppliers such as Nokia or Ericsson from Europe can look forward to. Rather annoying radio operators find it mobile: A provider less weakens their negotiating position. And yet it is totally unclear, what the suspicion for the Expansion of the German 5G mobile and wireless communications network means. The Federal government should take a assessment time. It’s more than just a business.