How the US columns in Planet Trump and Planet Fauci
How the US columns in Planet Trump and Planet Fauci

Loosening vs. science – How the USA in Planet Trump and Planet Fauci column, Donald trump Corona-policy takes absurd turns: The President hailed the victory over the Virus, its scientific advisers warn, however, against hasty locker. Opinion Kilian Martin from Washington112 Kommentare112Auf his planet is worried about being tracked, how fast Trump and many Republicans want to loosen the restrictions of daily life in the fight against the pathogen In April, Fauci speaks at the press conference in the White house. Photo: Alex Brandon (KEYSTONE)

The decisions and assessments officer Corona-leaders in America are currently living on two distant planets: scientists, leading Democrats in the Congress and in the capitals of the Federal States, as well as some Republican senators and governors are the inhabitants of the planet Fauci. The Rest gathered on the planet Trump.

For the planet Fauci spoke yesterday in front of the health Committee of the Senate, Anthony Fauci, chief of the division of infectious diseases at the National health authority NIH and Advisor to the President in matters of Coronavirus.

On his planet is concerned, how fast Trump and a lot of Republicans to loosen the restrictions of daily life in the fight against the pathogen will want to followed. The consequences of a premature Opening up of the economic life “could be serious,” warned Fauci of the senators. New outbreaks, he did not want to exclude the possibility, since “possible” is that the Virus will report back in the autumn. Robert Redfield, Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, agreed with Fauci in: “We are not yet out of the Woods,” he said before the Committee.

fairy tale on Planet Trump

On Donald trump’s planet, you want to know about it. There, everything is fine, and the Virus blows the whistle on the last hole. So anyway, it sound in trump’s press conference on Monday, the mutant, as usual, to an Orgy of self-congratulation. “We’re everywhere,” boasted the President. And: “Every American should be proud of!”. And: “We are in the Transition to Size!”

The fourth quarter of 2020 – in which the presidential election takes place! – ‘ll be great and next year even better, promised Trump. “I can feel it,” he said. And sense he can rely on often. In addition, will be tested in America, “more than anywhere else,” claimed the President.

It will be tested in America, “more than anywhere else,” claimed the President: Donald Trump at a press conference on 11. In may 2020.Photo: Alex Brandon (Keystone)

It is a work of fiction: In Iceland, Germany, Italy and other countries, more Corona per head Tests than in America. The chief to resist, no one dares to speak. Sometimes he stirs up the people in democratically governed States, against the limitations of rebel.

Sometimes Trump stirs up even the people in democratically governed States, against the limitations of rebel.

On Monday, Trump said that “great people” of the state of Pennsylvania wanted to have “their freedom” again. Pennsylvania’s democratic Governor Tom Wolf argues for a cautious Opening and wants to lift restrictions in some districts only if the infection rate decreases.

demonstrators from the planet Trump chanting: “Can’t Pay May! Car Protest/Rally”: protests against the Corona-Lockdown on 1. May in Pennsylvania.Photo: Andrew Rush (Keystone via Pittsburgh Tribune)

Trump doesn’t like to press the pace, which most Americans, but it at all of his planets: On Tuesday, a survey of the “Washington Post” showed that a majority would like to open up the economy rather slowly. 74 percent want to “slow the spread of the Coronavirus, even if it means that many of the shops remain closed,” concluded the survey. Their result is consistent with other surveys.

it is now Wearing a protective mask?

Anthony Faucis Planet seems the Americans currently so inviting. Even more than Donald trump’s planet is the Virus even into the house of the chief is penetrated. Two staff have been infected, what happens when the risk of contagion is played down and no one wears a protection mask.

protective masks are undesirable, since they are the lasting strength of an enemy, indicate that the President is considered to be defeated. You’ve made “aware of the danger and defeated,” he said on Monday. So why Trump and his Vice President Mike Pence should wear a protective mask? One of the two in the White house Infected, Pence spokesperson Katie Miller, was also not, as you spoke to on the day before your positive Test to journalists. The reporters were all wearing a protective mask. Now you need to take the test.

Maybe the economy should be driven first, then, if each worker can daily be tested.

And of course the band Mike Pence is not a protective mask, as he appeared last Friday at a conference with managers of the food industry in the state of Iowa. The economy, people wore masks, they had to lose weight at the behest of an employee of Pence, however.

the makers of the planet Trump Polish the Image of a Corona liberated celestial body whose inhabitants shopping for a carefree time and their jobs can return. In the White house, the control center of this planet, not to be tested of the employees now a day so that the chief and his Deputy to come with the pathogen in contact. Maybe the American economy should be driven first, then, if each of the workers as employees can be tested in the White house every day. Until then, it is probably better to live on Anthony Faucis planet.

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