How do you know if you can claim cards revolving and micro credit
How do you know if you can claim cards revolving and micro credit

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The interests exorbitant that often accompany credit cards revolving and micro-credit have been made of these two forms of financing a real trap for the affected.

instead of being output to an economic situation as complicated as many citizens are currently living or have lived after the crisis of 2008 or 2012, cards, revolving and micro-credit can become a solution very expensive and their consequences prolongation of almost perpetual.

For this reason, last march 4, 2020, to be the Supreme Court aborted because of “usurious” credit card revolving to a 27% APR on the floor of the Sala de lo Civil. This ruling made it possible for thousands of people who suffered the consequences of this type of financing might claim with success everything paid more even though you had already cancelled the debt.

The dangers yet unknown cards revolving

even Though the users have started to be aware of the risks of this type of products, yet there are many who are unaware of its dangers and how they should proceed if they want to end the contract or to claim what they paid in the past.

those Who hire these financial products tend to end up paying twice as much and may take in to pay off the debt up to 15 years, according to warn from Calls For Me, law firm specializing in claims online anti-wear accumulating hundreds of favorable rulings . This type of ‘aid’ have interests that are abusive. Specifically, Javier Moyano, CEO of Claims By Me, estimates that “in many cases, the monthly interest generated may come to represent more than 60% of the fee that customers pay a month-to-month”.

in Addition, from the platform point to the harassment and misinformation that often accompany this type of ‘aid’. To find out if you can claim, the law firm recommends that holders of cards or lines of credit carefully review the fees paid on a monthly basis because, as they claim, “68% of our clients didn’t even know that they were holders of a card ‘revolving'”.

“To be paid on a monthly basis, think they are regular assessments of the return and believe that everything is correct . With the passage of time they realize that the debt will never be remedied, and that is when they jump the alarms and call in to your body which, in most cases, is not able to give even an approximation of what you still need to pay and for how long”, say from the platform.

The dangers of microcredits

micro-loans or fast loans are marketed and publicized as a form of quick and easy money. However, its main virtues are its greatest defects. This product may have some interest and commissions are very high, in some cases, can exceed 2,000% APR.

The solution to end the debts of a card revolving or microloan

From pleading For Me to advise people that want to claim cards revolving and micro-credit “to get in touch with a lawyer to end the contract and achieve repayment of the interest paid more.” According to Javier Moyano, “in the majority of cases, the entity will have to pay back thousands of euros.”

Every time are more those who decide to reclaim to regain what is theirs. If in 2019, the claims of the platform far exceeded 2018, so far in 2020, the platform has already surpassed the claims of the last year . The main reason of this growth is due to the recent judgment of the Supreme Court, discussed previously, that clears the doubt that existed of law and has driven the number of complaints from affected consumers.

throughout its years of activity, the firm already got hundreds of hits . From make to an affected should be returned nearly 40,000 euros for a card, revolving to a cancellation of a minicrédito by a usurious interest which exceeded the 40% APR.

finally, from the platform highlighted that such a contract even though they no longer exist because they’ve paid all of the fees can still be claimed. “An unfair clause is not subject to prescription. Those affected who managed to get out of this wheel of mouse, and to pay the fees can be claimed with retrospective effect and recover what you have paid in the past… Still time” point from Claim By Me.

About Claiming For Me

Claimed by Me is a platform of claims online. A law firm specializing in the defense of the rights of the people affected by cards revolving, corresponding to mrti, microcredit or provision of soil, speeding the process of claiming and ensuring high rates of success.

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