coronavirus students reuters 1 0
coronavirus students reuters 1 0

The new coronavirus (Covid-19) has drastically changed the mode of learning globally. From the year 2020 where the deadly virus was identified to spread fast, mainly in crowded places resulted in numerous schools’ closure.

Honestly, this virus has changed our world forever, with its impact spreading across in all aspects of social, economic, political, education and community life.

Due to the harsh restrictions (social distancing) to curb the spread of the virus, this resulted in the shutting down of all learning institutions worldwide. The education sector has been hit hard as teachers and relevant administration struggle to reorganize and teach effectively by employing Virtual Classroom Platform for Teachers. As a result, education has changed; this has been evident with the rise in demand for e-learning systems, although this change has caused many issues; for instance, virtual learning increases information retention and is agile. But before the coronavirus outbreak, it is essential to note that there has already been high growth in technology in the education sector.

College and university students have been stuck in their dorms, resulting in virtual tutoring, video conferencing, or online software. Because there had been fears about the impact of e-learning, both tutors and students have adopted it well. Information collected from many teachers has it that they have sufficient time to individualize studies and no longer take more time to handle some students’ negative behaviors.

It has been witnessed that e-learning has enabled teachers and tutors to break down information quickly and layout assignments into manageable chunks.

Adapting to E-learning Tools and Resources

Students and teachers can adapt to e-learning better by familiarizing themselves with online tools, technologies, and resources; for instance, teachers should practice using virtual Classroom platforms for teachers and many others. This is done before the class and will be of great importance in that the teachers will guide students who are not used to such tools.

Another perfect example is providing educational videos via links to platforms like YouTube to make instant access to tutorials and academic presentations. The more teachers and students could employ the latest online technological tools and resources, the better the learning could be.

Challenges of Online Learning

There are numerous challenges to students and teachers, especially those who do not have reliable internet or technology access to enable them to participate in digital learning. This drawback will be seen in underdeveloped countries. Although most learning institutions will be provided these resources by the government, some institutions will not benefit. This fact will contribute to a massive number of students who will not be educated.

Is E-learning Effective?

It is evident that online studies are compelling in many ways; for instance, students will retain over 60% of information from the tutor. This is more when compared to face-to-face learning, where a student will only keep 10%. This will increase the speed at which students learn. Furthermore, e-learning requires less time than a classroom environment because students will grasp knowledge at their own pace.